

Sharon Dale wrote:

>Well- i thought that I might get away with livres. But...what might the
currency have been in 1295 Bourges?  

haven't a clue.

hey, you *can* get away with livres, far as i'm concerned.  
i got no skin in that game.

only way i know for sure is to see what the original sources of the 
period use --check local cartularies.  i would *imagine* that there was a
local currency in use ("moneta biturgenensis" or whatever), as there was most
everywhere else, until sometime in the 13th c., at least.  

also, as i mentioned, the _pouillés_ might be helpful.  i don't know a thing
about Bourges, but the earliest [extant] one for Chartres was done sometime
before the end of the 13th c. and was published both as an appendex in the
cathedral cartulary and in the series i mentioned (incompletely) earlier, a
more proper citation of which is: _Académie des inscriptions et de belles
lettres, Paris. Recueil des historiens de la France. Pouillés..._

there are at least ten vols. published and the one for Bourges, if it has been
published at all (i would assume that it has), is apparently too old to appear
on the LC on-line catalogue, nor in my local I.U. one.   as i mentioned
before, i can't recall whether the income of a bishop's 
_fisc_ is mentioned seperately--and i rather doubt it.

otto von simson, in _The Gothic Cathedral_ made the statement that the Bishops
of Chartres were among the richest in France and, i believe, even gave a
figure for their annual income.  it's bugged me for 30 years where the devil
he got that number....

best from here,


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