

Interim Saints - April 20th

VICTOR, ZOTICUS and companions, mnartyrs (A.D. 303)

Saints Victor, Zoticus, Acindynus, Zeno, Cęsarius, Severian,
Christopher, Theonas and Antoninus, are the names of certain men who
saw S. George undergo his various torments, and filled with
astonishment, confessed Christ, and were condemned to execution by the

THEOTIMUS, bishop of Tomi (beginning of 5th cent.)

S. Theotimus, the Philosopher, bishop of Tomi, in Scythia, had been
brought up in the philosophical schools of Greece, and imbued with
their systems;  but he renounced heathenism, embraced Christianity, and
was afterwards elevated to the bishopric of Tomi.

MARCELLINUS, bishop of Embrun (4th cent.)

According to the legend, Marcellinus, bishop of Embrun in Gaul,
converted the last Pagan in his city.  At table one day a man confessed
that he was the only Pagan remaining in Embrun, and that a miracle
would alone convert him.  As he spoke, his glass fell on the ground and
broke, Marcellinus took up the pieces, and restored the glass as it was

Venerable ODE, virgin (A.D. 1158)

This is the strange story of a very determined woman.  [She cut off her
nose to avoid marriage] She became a Norbertine canoness in the priory
of Bonne Esperance, near Binche, in Hainault, where she made herself
remarkable by her virtues, her docility, patience, and self-restraint.

HILDEGUND, virgin (A.D. 1188)

" . . . there is really nothing whatever in the life of Hildegund which
can entitle her to be called a saint."


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