

April 29 ~ Venerable and Calloused, Wily 'though Decaffeinated, Father

The Venerable Franciscan Priest Thomas Carrasco, son of Juan Gonzales
Carrasco and Phelipa de Abreu; a native of Seville; took on the habit in the
Convent of Our Father San Francisco, in Mexico City, the 28th of February,
in the year 1603.

Continuous in prayer, he had, from the hours spent on his knees, callouses
and hardened joints. Elected Teacher of Novices, he feigned deafness and
incomprehension; a few days later he removed their habits from those not
meant for the Religious life.

He was so beside himself in contemplation that, when he spoke, he appeared
more dreaming than awake.

In the final years of old age he doubled his mortifications and gave up the
drinking of chocolate, vanquishing nature with the valor of grace.

His Religious life ended in the Convent of Puebla, the 29th of April, of the
year 1662.

from "Menologio Franciscano"
Fr. Agustin de Vetancurt, 1698
tr. Magister Levitatorum
