

>John Mundy wrote: Re; Psalm 129 /30 De Profundis clamavi
>  Is there a well known gloss of this passage?

Prof. Mundy
The most commonly repeated tropes on this psalm comes from 
Augustine's readingin the Enarrationes:
. Augustine on the Psalms Enarrationes in Psalmos. / translated and 
annotated by Scholastica Hebgin and Felicitas Corrigan. Vol 2.
Westminster, Maryland : Newman Press, 1960-61.
  2 v. ;  Ancient Christian writers, no. 29-30.

Commonly cited or copied tropes were the Commenatries of Didymus ( 
the Blind) of Alexandria and Appolinaris of Laodicea.
See: Muhlenberg, Vol II,  Ps. 129,( for Didymus)
See: Muhlenberg, Vol I.(for Appolinaris of Laodicea)

[ Psalmenkommentare aus der Katenenuberlieferung / von
  Ekkehard Muhlenberg.  Apollinaris, d. ca. 390.
  Didymus, ca. 313-ca. 398.
  Berlin ; New York, de Gruyter, 1975-1977, c1974-1977. 3v.
Patristische Texte und Studien, Bd. 15, 16, 19.
Text of Apollinaris von Laodicea's commentary on Psalm
                       1-150 and Didymus's commentary on Psalm 1-50 in Greek:
                       (v. 1) p. 1-375; text of Didymus' commentary on Psalms
                       51-150 in Greek: (v. 2) p. 3-367.
                     Includes bibliographical references and indexes.]

Although not entirely reputable on source attributions, there are 
interesting headings and extracts drawn upon Ps 129/30 in the Neale 
collection, Vol 4. The absorption of this psalm into the liturgical 
cycle as part of the Officium Defunctorum (in some rites and 
practices) and the  Vigilia Tenebrae are included in the 
  Neale, J. M. (John Mason), 1818-1866.
  Littledale, Richard Frederick, 1833-1890.
  Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.
  A Commentary on the Psalms from primitive and mediaeval
  writers : and from the various office-books and hymns of
  the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek,
  Coptic, Armenian, and Syriac rites / by J. M. Neale and
  R. F. Littledale.
.New York : AMS Press, 1976.
  4 v. ;
  With Psalms in the Coverdale version.
  Reprint of the editions published by J. Masters & Co.,
  v. 1. Psalm I to Psalm XXXVIII. 4th ed. 1884.
  v. 2. Psalm XXXIX to Psalm LXXX. 3d ed. 1879.
  v. 3. Psalm LXXXI to Psalm CXVIII. 3d ed. 1887.
  v. 4. Psalm CXIX to Psalm CL with indexes of Scripture
                       references and of subjects. 2d ed. 1883.
I hope this helps

Josef Gulka

Josef Gulka
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  Tel: 215- 732-8420
Fax (215) 732-8420
