


You got it that professional writing is priveledged above
non-professional narrative writring (though, what's the evidence that
this professional arrogance is limited to "the West"?).

Some wise person whose name I heard in a City Planning course lecture 25
years ago, said "A profession is a bottleneck in the flow of

If anyone knows the source of that quote, please send!)

It's telling that you'd be called on to defend an interest in gathering
& reading first person PWD narratives.  As if studying the highly varied
phenomenon of disability, could be rooted in anything, but-- gathering
as much information as possible about what disability-related
experiences are... 

How refreshing to read of a DS scholar interested in what AIDS activists
have termed a "reality-based" (as opposed to ideology,
emotionally-based, or a bias-based) approach,....

....instead of squandering time, playing egotistical shell games with
terms.... I mean --- Define your terms, quickly, and then SAY SOMETHING
with them, already!  

To say you're a DS scholar, with no interest in narratives, is like
saying you're an expert on French cuisine, while you've never actually
tasted any of it, beyond maybe your one favourite recipe....
If that's what is going to replace the Medical Model, then Pete Townsend
got it right when he wrote "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."   
