

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

A discussion theme I would like to suggest concerns learning processes in SMEs.

Among possible issues, I'd like to point out the following:

- how do learning processes evolve into SMEs?
- what are their peculiarities (if any), if compared to bigger firms practice?
- what are their most usual dysfunctions?
- how do SMEs' decision making processes affect learning? Are there any peculiarities on this concern?  
- what are the most significant application areas, concerning learning in SMEs (e.g. strategy, market, production, finance, etc.)?
- who are the main actors involved in SMEs learning processes? Which role are they likely to play? 
- which role could be played to foster SMEs' learning processes by different stakeholders (e.g. banks, consultants, institutions supporting SMEs start-up and entrepreneurship, Universities, ...) with whom small businesses interact? 
- what are the peculiarities (if any) of learning processes in "strategic networks" among SMEs? 
- is it possible to distinguish any peculiarities of learning processes, according to the growth stage of SMEs? - which role could be played by dynamic scenario analysis through computer-based simulation models, in order to elicit, compare and - if possible - share mental models and tacit knowledge of different "actors" involved in SMEs' learning processes?

I wish to thank since now, all of you who will give their contribution to the debate.
Business cases, personal experiences, as well as references are welcome. 

Thanks in advance,

Carmine Bianchi

Carmine Bianchi, Associate Professor of Business Management
Universities of Foggia and Palermo (ITALY) - Faculty of Economics

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- Phone (office) : +39.091.6254313 - Fax (office): +39.091.6254532 
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c/o C.U.S.A. - SYSTEM DYNAMICS GROUP - P.zza A. Gentili, 12
