

>  Benjamín González Rodríguez wrote:
>  >
>  A subtle, neo-minimalist communication, but not un-nuanced -- perhaps
>  the thinnest of the Geertzian thick descriptions....
>  Birrell Walsh
>  MicroTimes

Sarah Delaney wrote:
>  Birrell (and Benjamin)
>  I think you'll actually find it's more along the lines of a post-modern take
>  on Levi-Strauss' approach to typologies, in that you can explain them away
>  until nothing remains.

*The Raw, the Cooked & the Evaporated-Fully-Away.* Unpublished by Levi

For those who think we are being merely silly, how would you establish
that what we are doing is NOT qualitative research?

This is one of QR's besetting problems: the lack of a rejection
criterion other than peer-acceptance or non-acceptance.  The
acceptance/non-acceptance criterion is like the third grade class who
couldn't decide if a kitten was a boy or a girl -- so they decided to
vote on it.

Birrell Walsh

Kevin Crowston
Syracuse University                           Phone:  +1 (315) 443-1676
School of Information Studies                 Fax:    +1 (315) 443-5806
4-206 Centre for Science and Technology       EMail:  [log in to unmask]
Syracuse, NY   13244-4100   USA               Web:

until June 1:
c/o Department of MSIS                        Phone: +64 (9) 373-7599 x6640
University of Auckland                        Fax:   +64 (9) 373-7430
Private Bag 92019                             Cell:  +64 (21) 126-0309
Auckland, New Zealand
