

I suppose my objection to her - which is poorly founded and
half-hearted, really - is that she impresses me as a female version of
Bernard of Clairvaux, whom I also find somewhat repellent. The Oxford
Dictionary of Saints says it well: "Like Bernard, Catherine had
prophetic vision [that's OK] and personal intransigence [that's not];
these led both of them to identify God's cause with their own." Then
there's the grotesque display of her head... And, of course, I firmly
believe, with Jung, that what we find objectionable in others is what we
see of our own shadow in them. Now that really gives me pause......
(Chastened) Kathryn
p.s. I also deeply resent the dismissal of C. of Alexandria. How someone
revered almost since the beginning can be said not to have existed...

David Collins wrote:
> Way to go, Maeve.  You tell 'em.
> djc
> "Maeve B. Callan" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >Kathryn of Covington LA wrote:
> >. . . C. of Siena, too neurotic,
> Of all the company she keeps, and she's neurotic?  I'm curious as to
> why she strikes you as such, since she's one of the last saints I'd
> classify as neurotic (although I grant a few of the tales told by
> Raymond could qualify).  I find her one of the most empowered and
> empowering saints, who embodied caritas, both of God and neighbor
> (she could maybe have worked on her love of self, but most saints,
> especially female saints, probably could have).  She chose to serve
> those who needed her most, in the face of great suffering, hatred,
> violence, etc, which might make a lesser mind neurotic, but she
> remained committed, balanced, calm, and a constant source of support
> for others.  To me, she possesses most of the best virtues of being a
> saint, and, more importantly, of being human.
> Maeve
> David J. Collins, S.J.
> History Department
> Northwestern University
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