

I should be most grateful for list members' responses to either (or 
both) of these queries.

Firstly, can anyone suggest to which text in particular the Marian 
Catholic, John Christopherson, is referring, when he writes in 1554 
(in the wake of Wyatt's Rebellion" in "An exhortation to all men to 
take hede and beware of rebellion":

 ...the olde mens saying...that when Antichrist shuld come, the 
rootes of the trees shulde growe upwarde..." 

By 'old men's saying', does he mean the prophecies of particular 
patristic authors, or just received folk-wisdom?

Secondly, the wryneck bird [Lat. iynx -- the etymon of modern 
English 'jinx']: I understand it used to be bound to a wheel and 
used in some occult divinatory ritual not surprisingly frowned on by 
the Church . I have seen what I take to be representations of said 
wheel in some c.1300 MSS of Gratian's "Decretals", but
Robert Graves -- hardly the most reliable of sources, I know -- 
claimed that such wheels were still to be seen in various 
(unspecified) European churches -- can anyone specify?

          responses much appreciated,

       Malcolm Jones, Dept. Eng. Lang. & Lings., Univ. of Sheffield
