

Here is the history of a very fit athlete running over 26 miles a week + swimming/cycling

In November he began to get a cramp whilst running in the proximal musculo-tendinous junction of the medial hamstring.which eventually prohibited further running and Partial Weight Bearing only

3 weeks rest all pain had gone and he started swimming again with no increase in symptoms, but then he began to develop pain in the antero-lateral groin area and the ischeal tuberosity area.

Past tissue based treatments have helped, but on return to his swimming an increases in pain is experienced.

Objectively there is nothing specific. He has full range of hip mov't L/sp mov't full muscle power of hip musculature and stretch. Neural tensioning is full as is L/sp palpation. His pubic bone is okay to palpation. I think he has a hyperalgesic area due to returning to swimming to early. Any ideas or tests.

Many thanks
paul sumner cornwall uk
