

--- Astrid Krüger <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear listmembers!
> I am working on a manuscript (penitential, 12th century) where I
> found, that the believing of a werwolf is forbidden. Does anybody now
> something about this phenomen (where came that idea from, how did
> people in roman speaking countries call a "werwolf"?
> Thank you, Astrid Krueger, Frankfurt
Marie de France calls her werewolf "Bisclavret":

Quant de lais faire m'entremet,
Ne voil ublier Bisclavret:
Bisclavret ad nun en bretan,
Garwaf l'apelent li Norman.

("When I set about to make Lays, I do not wish to forget Bisclavret. 
It is called Bisclavret in Breton, the Normans call it Werewolf.")

The usual French name for a werewolf is "loup-garout".

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