

At 06:34 PM 2/2/00 +0000, Mairian Corker wrote:
>Who says the attraction is sexual Glenn? That's a gender-normative response!

gendered-normative ? - please explain this assumption to me ! It is
possible to understand something in way that is considered 'normal' or
'gendered' but originates by a different pathway of thinking and being.
That makes such thoughts neither gendered or normative. I think you really
have to know people before you can assume what they say results from an
uncritical way of thinking.   

Nevertheless, I would argue that the responses - reference to tom cruise
etc - appear to contain an implicit reference to sexual attraction - I
would find it hard to believe that the statement about a 'woman's right to
Tom Cruise etc was not about his  sexual attraction based on his looks -
Tom Cruise is known for his good looks - my point was this seems slightly
at odds with a list that seeks to challenge 'normative' values about the
body does it not ?  

>But seriously (because Maria's question was a serious one), for those who
>are not 'in the know' Kirsten Hearn is a well known disabled lesbian
>activist in the UK and the title of her article refers to the fact that
>disabled lesbians frequently do not have access to spaces where they can
>'cruise' i.e. scout the scenery for 'like kind'. Time to swot up on lesbian
>feminist geography?

'lesbian feminist geography' has been very useful to me - specifically Gill

Best Wishes,
>Best, Mairian
>>Interesting responses on a disability research list to sexual attraction -
>>physical attraction to 'normal' people as long as the sexual orientation
>>bit is accommodated for (I take it teresa cruise is 'fully' functioning,
>>doesn't look a bit strange, ill, etc).
>>At 05:26 PM 2/2/00 +0000, Alessandra Iantaffi wrote:
>>>I have been silent (mostly because depressed by too much work!) but I
had to
>>>join Mairian on this one :-) can I have her too? ;)
>>>Mairian Corker wrote:
>>>> Oh my, Dona, I hope this isn't meant as a hetero-normative response. Give
>>>> me the right to TERESA Cruise any day!
>>>> Cheers, Mairian
>>>> >I dunno, Maria, but if the "Woman's Right" is to TOM Cruise,
>>>> >please share the citation?  ;)
>>>> >
>>>> >Dona
>>>> >
>>>> >On 2 Feb 00, at 8:51, Maria Barile wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >>  wonder if anyone can help
>>>> >> I'm looking for citation to a book by Hearn, K. Woman's right to
>>>> >> Anyone have that information? Maria
>>>> >>
>>>> Mairian Corker
>>>> Senior Research Fellow in Deaf and Disability Studies
>>>> Department of Education Studies
>>>> University of Central Lancashire
>>>> Preston PR1 2HE
>>>> Address for correspondence:
>>>> Deafsearch
>>>> 111 Balfour Road
>>>> Highbury
>>>> London N5 2HE
>>>> U.K.
>>>> Minicom/TTY      +44 [0]171 359 8085
>>>> Fax              +44 [0]870 0553967
>>>> Typetalk (voice) +44 [0]800 515152 (and ask for minicom/TTY number)
>>>> *********
>>>> "To understand what I am doing, you need a third eye"
>>>> *********
