

Thank you, Richard, for your rebuttal of the material which was posted
in defense of the alleged antisemitism of St. John Chrysostom.  I was
afraid that it would be left
uncriticized.  I thought of doing something myself, but I'm happy to
have waited until
someone as knowledgeable as yourself responded.

I found the material quite unsettling.  It had an air to me of
antisemitism itself.  I should point out, I suppose, that I am not
Jewish.  Nor am I Christian, or a member of any other religion,
although, mirabile dictu (I suppose), I 'm not an atheist either.
My ancestry is largely, as far back as the 17th century, Puritan, by way
of 17th century New England in what is now the USA, but my parents
practiced no religion that I detected, and though my mother tried
sending me to a Congregational (Protestant) Sunday school and church
when I was a child, it didn't take.

I say all this so I can suggest to you that I can, as it were, evaluate,
to some extent, material of this sort without a commit to defend some
particular sort of religious faith.  I suppose, if classify me you must,
I'm an agnostic, to use Thomas Huxley's term.  I simply don't know the
answers to most of the major questions of the sort that religions
address.  It may be that when I die some of my questions will be
answered.  Or maybe not.  I just don't know.

I expect that numerous adherents of most any religious faith will find
this position incomprehensible, or reprehensible, or worse.

Gordon Fisher     [log in to unmask]
