


                Understanding Prescribing in the new NHS

                    Wednesday, 23rd November 1999

               Centre for Evidence-based Pharmacotherapy
                            Aston University
                            Birmingham, UK

Aims and Objectives:

This meeting will aim to discuss elements of government prescribing policy.

Target audience:

The meeting should be of interest to all whose work will be affected by
changes in government prescribing policies within the health service


The meeting will comprise lectures, followed by discussions.


1. Setting the Scene: an overview of government prescribing policy
2. Coordinating efforts: how NICE and PCGs may work together to control the
prescribing of new drugs
3. Meeting the standards: how the National Service Frameworks for mental
health and coronary heart disease will affect the local prescribing policies
of PCGs
4. The Equilateral Triangle: nurturing the relationship between patient,
General Practitioner and computer
5. Paying their way: how the negotiation of the Pharmaceutical Price
Regulation Scheme may affect attempts by PCGs to control costs and improve
local prescribing
6. Managing Change: reactions from PCGs
7. Knitting together the elements of governmental policy


Professor Alain Li Wan Po, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based
Pharmacotherapy, Aston University.

Dr. Darrin  Baines, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics at the Health
Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham.

Mr. Clive  Jackson, Director of the National Prescribing Centre.

Professor Steve Chapman, Professor of Prescribing Studies in the Department
of Medicines Management, University of Keele.

Miss Wendy Broderick, a health authority pharmaceutical adviser on
secondment to the Sowerby Centre.  She has been part of the PRODIGY team
since 1996 and is currently consultant pharmacist at the National
Dissemination Office.

Dr. Peter West, a consultant at the National Economic Research Associates.

Dr. George Young, a General Practitioner and a member of the NHS Alliance.

Further details:

The programme and registration form are available at or from

Mrs Sylvia Rowe
Centre for Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy
School of Life and Health Sciences
Aston University
Aston Triangle
Birmingham B4 7ET
Tel: +44 121 359 3611 Ext 5533
Fax: +44 121 359 4693
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
