

TInCAN (The International Contemporary Arts Network) is about to open a
new Contemporary arts and crafts centre. The centre is in a deeply rural
part of Argyll, Scotland with both indoor and outdoor space.  We will
have gallery and sales space for high quality contemporary arts and
crafts. We like our art/ crafts to be fresh, dynamic, cutting edge. We
will always be looking for new works in any media.
We will have an ongoing programme of events, exhibitions, workshops, as
well as conferences and seminars etc. It is your space as much as ours.
Please feel free to get involved. Spread the news into your networks.
Between us we can make it bubble.  The opening date is 17/ 4/ 00.    If
you or any of your contacts wish to be considered for anything or if you
have ideas - please put your details down on an email or write to
An Tairbeart Contemporary Arts Centre, c/o 3 Market Place, Tarbert,
Argyll, PA29 6AB     tel: 01880 821116 fax 117
3 Market Place is also Chris's new address
