

Dear Chris (and anyone else with a similar concern)

I should have made it clear in my orginal  note that the 
deposits with wild birds to which I was referring 
unambiguously consist of food remains from human meals. 
Some also include occasional finds of incidentals, but in 
the main they were food. 

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 12:48:38 +0000 
[log in to unmask] wrote:

> An interesting question....known food birds not corresponding with
> actual birds found at archaeological sites.
> Does this discrepancy reflect that archaeological bird assemblages
> are mostly natural accumulations, including prey of
> raptors/predators, rather than human food waste? Perhaps the
> large food birds listed were hunted far and wide in the surrounding
> countryside, but species found at settlement sites were species
> living locally?
> Of course, even in Medieval times, some bird distributions must
> have been geographically restricted. Even if spoonbills were eaten
> in E. Anglia, we wouldn't necessarily expect to find their bones in a
> Yorkshire site. 
> Chris Gleed-Owen
Email:  [log in to unmask]
