

Dear bone counting colleagues

I suspect that some of the heat generated on this subject over the last few
days results from laxity in terminology.  Alan Outram wrote about the use
of a range of minimum number figures, including not only MNIs but also
minimum numbers of body parts, but a number of the replies refer only to

Strictly speaking this refers (of course) to minimum numbers of INDIVIDUALS
and so the biggest drawback of MNIs (sensu stricto) is that, much of the
time, the basic unit of observation which faunal specialists wish to
analyse and interpret is not a whole animal but some sort of subdivision of
a carcase (humerus, distal humerus, proximal radius+ulna, etc.).

Because we are all aware of the complicating effects of differential
fragmentation, preservation etc., most of us seek to 'filter' our basic
records of identified specimens in various ways: by reducing them to
minimum numbers of anatomical units (sometimes also called, misleadingly,
MNIs); by specifying which 'zones' are present; or by taking some account
of fragment size, fragment weight, or whatever.  I think these are all
methods designed to achieve the same end, to remove some of the 'noise'
from simple counts of identified specimens.

Of course, some of these methods are more time-consuming than others, but I
am not sure that simple NISP are really the least problematic because they
are the least manipulated form of data.  As someone (Keith Dobney?) pointed
out, we use very different definitions of what is 'identifiable' and this
variability arguably makes simple NISP very problematic indeed.  The
various methods of recording zones, minimum units, etc., arguably filter
out the worst of these effects.  Put another way, one might argue that
NISPs and zones/minimum anatomical units differ in terms not of WHETHER but
of WHEN (and how explicitly) the raw bone data are manipulated by the

Yours pedantically

Dr Paul Halstead
Senior Lecturer (part-time!)
Dept of Archaeology & Prehistory
University of Sheffield
Northgate House
West St
Sheffield S1 4ET.
tel. 0114-2222905 (from outside UK: 0044-114-2222905)
