

while it is not really connected to transgender it might be tentatively
connected to gender.

Is there anybody of all the antropologists/biologists out here who could
help me out with some references regarding the devellopment
of bipedalism which do not belong to the "savannah hypothesis", but instead
focuss on the role of mother-infant care?

Other references focussing on "feminist" evolutionary approaches would be
appreciated as well.

Thank you.


Dr. Sam D. More
Institute for Molecular Science
Okazaki, Aichi 444-8585

Fax: + 81 564 54 7079
Phone: +81 564 55 7202 (office)
       +81 564 58 0151 (home)

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Aristotelian professors who were contemporaries of Galileo made the
following pronouncement
concerning this discovery:

    "Jupiter's moons are invisible to the naked eye, and therefore can have
no influence on the earth,
and therefore would be useless, and therefore do not exist."

    Source: Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Men Who Found Out. New York,
Coward-McCann, Inc., 1930. p. 43.
