

Hello all,

I am performing a vbm analysis of a patient group.  There is one image per
subject and all images were entered into a single design matrix.  The
control scans were entered as a single condition, but each patient was
entered into the analysis as their own condition.  In addition to allowing a
comparison of the control group with the patient group, each patient can be
compared with the control group.  The results make sense, but I'm not sure
how to interepret the t-values and p-values that result from this analysis,
because the patient 'group' in such an analysis is actually only one image,
thus the variance in that condition can't really be measured.

What, exactly does the program do in this instance, and are the resulting t
and p-values accurate?


Howard Rosen
UCSF Department of Neurology
Memory and Aging Center
350 Parnassus Ave., Suite 800, Box 1207
San Francisco, CA 94143
Phone: 415-476-6880
Fax: 415-476-4800
