

| Can anyone tell me what functions are available for the spm_imcalc.m I
| would like to do a threshold detection and and write the sum of the
| detected voxels to file.

The functions are basically operations on a series of image volumes in order
to produce an image volume as output.  The operations are performed a plane
at a time, so the function you enter needs to be a single matlab expression
that will operate on a series of matrices of the same size.  It must produce
output that is also the same size.  Scalars can also be included in the
expression.  In addition to operators like "+", "-", ".*", "./", ".^",
(and "*", "/", "^" when using scalers), you can also use things like "sin",
"cos", "log", etc..  You can also flip images vertically ("fliplr") and
horizontally ("flipud"), as well as doing 2D smoothing (e.g., "spm_conv(i1,4)"),
and some logical operations (e.g., "(i1/100).*(i2<5) + (i2/7+1).*(i2>5)").
There is also a whole load of stuff I have missed.

Best regards,
