

Dear Daniel,

There's nothing obviously wrong with the model parameters you entered. If
I'm right, your study contains 74 sessions of 176 scans each i.e. 13024
scans which is a very large analysis - your computer could be running out
of steam and/or swap space for the MATLAB process! Do you have any
information on the machine you are using? You don't mention whether
any errors appeared in the MATLAB window when the progress bar was
stuck; these will give some clues as to what is going wrong (e.g. is
there a MATLAB 'Out of Memory' error? ).

I'm afraid there's no easy way to edit the SPM_fMRIDesMtx.mat (other than 
by directly modifying the variables in MATLAB). But I think the root of
the problem may be with the overall size of the analysis. One way round
this would be to move to a second level analysis after a first level
analysis within-subjects.

best wishes,

Dr. Geraint Rees
Wellcome Advanced Fellow              Lecturer
California Institute of Technology    Institute of Neurology
Division of Biology 139-74            University College London
Pasadena                              12 Queen Square
California 91125                      London WC1N 3BG

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