

Dear Darren,

>Dear SPM:
>I want to set up an fmri design which will basically just allow me to 
>remove a variety of covariates of no interest. Once these covariates 
>are removed from the data I will use the data in another way. Karl 
>answered a previous question about how to remove the covariates using 
>spm_regions. This question is one step before that.
>What I want to know is how do I set up a design matrix so there are 
>basically no covariates of interest? spm97 allowed one to do this by 
>answering 0 to the covariates of interest question. I don't know how 
>to do this in spm99.
>The following did not seem to work
>I set up a design as follows.
>There are 200 scans in the session taken at a TR of 3.
>So # of trials or conditions= 1
>SOA of trial 1 = 200
>Onset of trial 1 = 0
>Length of trial 1 = 200.
>not stochastic, fixed onset.
>I then enter a number of covariates which end up being my covariates 
>of no interest.
>The resulting design matrix has all 0's as it's first column, 
>followed by the covariates [of no interest] followed by a mean vector 
>of all 1's.
>I then looked at a series of F contrasts-
>The first column of the design (all 0's) is not uniquely estimable so 
>I can't define a contrast as just 1. Likewise choosing columns for 
>the reduced design of either 1 or 2:112 doesn't give the right answer.
>Any ideas?

Why don't you try and insert a couple of events/epochs in your covariate of
interest (they need not have any relation to any actual events/epochs).
That should ensure estimability, and allow you to use the 1 0 ... 0
contrast. From the prespective of obtaining adjusted data, it shouldn't
matter at all what you have in your covariate of interest (as long as it is

>Darren R. Gitelman, M.D.

					Good luck Jesper

Jesper Andersson
Wellcome Dept. of Cognitive Neurology
12 Queen Square
London WC1N 3BG
phone: 44 171 833 7484
fax: 44 171 813 1420
