

    Has anyone had trouble getting HDR edit to work on SPM99?  I'm 
using SPM99 on an NT.  The Display function is having no trouble 
reading the image files.  But when I use the HDR edit function to set 
a parameter like "origin" and then apply it to some image files, 
nothing happens.  The "thermometer" appears momentarily to indicate 
the status of the conversion job but the image files don't appear to 
change.  Moreover, when I examine the modification dates on the 
files, I find that SPM didn't actually change the files.  I also 
checked to make sure this isn't a permissions problem.

Any suggestions?


Joseph Dien
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
2007 Percival Stern Hall
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118-5698

Office: Room 3061
Phone: (504) 862-3300
Fax:   (504) 862-8744
E-mail:[log in to unmask]
