

Hello Everyone:

John Kinsella suggested that I should approach the
group about a program that I am working on for the end
of March 2001.

Recently, the United Nations passed a resolution
declaring 2001 as the year of "Dialogue Between
Civilizations."  I am working with the UN in
developing a literary program to focus on this topic.
Here are the different components:

(1) There will be a major gathering of international
literary journals from around the world to discuss the
topic which will be moderated by John Kinsella.

(2) A reading at the United Nations featuring Pulitzer
Prize winning poet Yusef Komunyakaa (also involved in
the Vietnam War for which he received the Bronze
Star), poet and Rattapallax's editor-in-chief George
Dickerson (was Head of Press and Publications for
UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for
Palestine Refugees in the Near East) during the
1975-76 Lebanese), and Carolyn Forche (poet involved
in El Salvador and recipient of The Edita and Ira
Morris Hiroshima Foundation for Peace and Culture
Award for 1998).  Carolyn has not confirmed, yet.

(3) Poetry readings in numerous cities around the
world, focused around the resolution, featuring poets
who can best represent their city and/or country.

(4) An anthology of poems from the various featured
readers from the different readings; poets featured at
the UN; from the literary journals attending the
conference and select international and acclaimed
poets.  The book will also be available as an e-book
from with MP3 files and Real video for

(5) School systems from the UN member countries will
read poems from other countries during the last week
in March.

I will need your help in organizing readings around
the world to focus on the topic: Dialogue Between
Civilizations.  I noticed that your group is
organizing readings around the world in May 2001 and I
would like to incorporate them into the UN program.
They will need to be moved to the last week of March
2001 and focus on the proposal.  The proposal is broad
enough to allow the reading coordinators to develop
their own program.  The important thing is to feature
poets that can best represent their city and/or
country and help create dialogue between civilizations
by discussing issues and ideas, through poetry, that
effect their country.

The cities that I hope to have readings at are:
New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Philadelphia, Paris, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney,
Berlin, Prague, São Paulo, Mexico City, Mumbai,
Johannesburg, Toronto, and Moscow.  If there are
additional cities that we can have readings in, I
would like to include them.

I can organize readings at these cities and venues:

New York-- The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church
Los Angeles-- Midnight Special Books or Beyond Baroque
San Francisco- Blue Books or Cody's Books
Philadelphia-- Robin's Books

I will need people to setup and coordinate a poetry
reading in their respective city focused on the topic.
 I can help with advertising and programming.  If you
wish to be involved, I will need a serious commitment
on your part because the program will involve the
United Nations and major corporations and private
foundations who will help to under-write the event.
The readings need to occur during the last week in
March 2001, but I will need to know by Mid-September
2000: if you would like to be involved, where the
reading will occur and who will be featured.  Soon
after, I will need to get copies of the poems that
will be read for the anthology, which I plan to have
available by March 2001.

If you have any questions, please call me at
212-560-7459 or by e-mail at [log in to unmask]

I look forward to working with everyone on the

Thank You,
Ram Devineni
Rattapallax Press

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