

What I like about the best of Peter Porter is that he writes with his whole
mind, not just the bits that could be labelled "suitable for poetry".
He uses cultural references because that's how he thinks. If the precise
description for something can be made by comparing it to a Mahler symphony,
why compare it to a daffodil?
His best collections (such as The Last of England) remind my of Eliot's
phrase about the job of the poet being to yoke together the philosophy of
Spinoza and the smell of cabbage (very approx quotation). Good Porter takes
you on a roller-coaster from the intellectual to the mundane to the nasty to
the glamorous to the exquisite.

Yes, he's annoying sometimes, but he's a right to be. Mind you, I think his
more recent volumes are less intense than the earlier stuff.


George Simmers
Snakeskin Poetry Webzine is at
