

For a student of Letters and Philosophy
immersed in an Italian Marxist academic
world (so that you could never aspire to become yourself an academic
unless you embrace that religion, of which I am now a fervent nun),
writers such as Bataille, Beckett, Barthes , (Sade again), Artaud did not
"Black ghost" but almost healthy breaks with the all-pervasive Marxist
and political correctness for which you are watched out from the above.
Sade in particular (he was imprisoned for the practice of sodomy and
accused of perversion, so were, Oscar Wilde. Pasolini et Al. who
met the same destiny)>
(Pasolini underwent a  trial for sexual "corruption" + a period in jail +
expulsion from the Communist party and suspension
from all the Italian Schools of the Republic for which he had worked as an
established "professor of Italian Literature".
He was boycotted and persecuted extensively because he was shamelessly and
overtly homosexual. And lately murdered by a young man who said that he was
merely acting a self-defense against Pasolini's sexual assoult, but who,
possibly, was trying to steal his Maserati. But luckily, the same society
who has persecuted Pasolini for his sexuality, also , in spite of all the
censorship of the authorities, finally granted a high degree of success to
his work, acknowledging his genius as a poet and film-maker. And indeed
Pasolini was one of the leading figures of post-war Italian
avant-guard who just as Baudelair, Rimbaud, Apollinaire, Swinburne, Bataille
, (Sade, at his time) etc
attacked the comfortable assumptions of the bourgeois literary conventions
of the time)

I see the worth of their existences as a counterbalance to all our worries
and imposed measures.

----- Original Message -----
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 12:32 AM
Subject: Re: De Sade

> Dom wrote:
> >Kathy Acker once observed that de Sade was responsible for an
> >ethics/politics whose most recent manifestation might more properly be
> >as...Reaganism.
>     Hmmm, the Marquis de Meese?
> Candice
