

Does anyone else get these? I've had them every year for as far back as I
can remember. It's a great month for writing - not having kids, I don't go
on holiday in August, and nothing much else is happening. Instead I get
completely blocked, and spend my days playing chess with a computer program
which always beats me. Last year was the only August I've ever managed to
write anything, and that's because I managed to get myself commissioned to
write eight poems, with a deadline in early September. Now that I'm an
academic with, in theory, time to write in the holidays, I'm desperate to
write a novel, but I haven't written fiction for about twelve years, and
can't remember how. So I scrap each new beginning and try to write poems,
only to find I can't remember how to do that, either. The only consolation
is that the Welsh countryside is in easy reach, and for some reason I don't
regard time as wasted when I spend it walking in the hills. And things will
get better when autumn comes, always my favourite season and the one that
gets me feeling energetic again. The trouble is, I won't have so much time

Best wishes

