

Sophie Hannah should certainly be there.

Best wishes


-----Original Message-----
From: Gudding <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 14 July 2000 22:09
Subject: Women's Hilarious Poetry

>This is a query. I  am compiling (still) a course packet for a course
>exclusively about "hilarious poetry" -- and I have a problem: I would like
>to have at least *half* the poets represented be women.  At present, I've
>50 poets in the course packet, only 13 of whom are women.  Could anyone
>please suggest to me the names of *extremely funny* women poets?  I don't
>just mean "comic": I mean *drop-dead funny*.   These are the women I have
>in the packet so far:
>Wanda Coleman
>Gertrude Stein
>Joan Jobe Smith
>Nada Gordon
>Bernadette Mayer
>Wendy Cope
>Mairead Byrne
>Stephanie Sallaska
>Denise Duhamel
>Marianne Moore
>Anne Waldman
>Amy Gerstler
>Rachel Loden
>If anyone wishes to suggest her own work, please do.  I am, as usual, in
>earnest.  Any help would be appreciated.
