

>But staying with Gill, should we also refrain from using his typefaces?
Should we burn all books that do? If we don't, do his crimes rub off on us?<

I am wondering what's to become of W.S Graham's 'Collected
Poems' for a start, and whether Dominic will be lighting the fire
with his copy of 'The Triumph of Love' this evening.

There are perhaps more serious issues in this debate -- how far
we judge the work by the life.  Pound and Eliot are the obvious
points of reference.  There was a noticible drop in regard for Larkin
once the letters and biography appeared.  And, going back to
your earlier point, Mark --

>Plath's target was Hughes. Those who suffered most and are
statistically at far greater risk are her children.<

-- do we also throw her Collected onto the fire as a moral reaction
to the psychological damage caused?

Just a few questions that seemed worth asking -- in the end
I guess it's a matter of individual conscience.

