

Isn't there a special name for such a thing? An abcderium? Hell, in one
of the poems in my first book all the lines end with the letter s -- is
that a tour de force?

[log in to unmask] wrote:

> Rita Dove
> << had read this poem several times before noticing its technical
>  tour-de-force--that each line begins with a sequential letter of the
>  alphabet! >>
> Holy hyperbole! The Hamby poem is okay...but since when
> is a poem that is essentially an acrostic (using the alphabet
> instead of a word/name) a "technical tour-de-force."
> I guess when you're a famous poet all that blurb writing
> become infectious.
> Finnegan

Joseph Duemer
School of Liberal Arts-5750
Clarkson University
Potsdam NY 13699
[log in to unmask]

"Always come down from the barren heights
of cleverness into the green valleys of folly."
