

Hi Candice,

The US edition of the collected Kees is available from . . . just as well, since the Faber edition appears
to be out of print at the moment.  Probably a blessing though --
Faber collecteds are bound so tight they tend to fall apart
once you open them (cracked spines are a bug-bear of mine).
For the same reason I waited 6 months for Borders Books in
Glasgow to re-stock the US edition of Larkin's collected . . .

It's also the US edition of Garrigue's 'Selected Poems' I've
ordered . . . so 3 cheers for Amazon!

Dave -- I take it the Huidobro 'Selected' doesn't include the whole
of 'Altazor'?  I see the Greywolf edition is out of print . . . and I'm
keen to purchase something of his also, after this recommendation.

