

Mairead wrote:
<<"One Life" is a title associated with Rukeyser -- her biography of
Wendell Willkie, right?  Joseph, are you thinking of Bishop's
villanelle "One Art"? Thanks for the reference to the Rich poem.>>

Of course you're right. I had forgotten about the biography. There
is also a good, eccentric biography by R. of the scientist Willard
Gibbs. And yes, I was thinking of Bishop's "One Art"--just a bit too
clever for my own good in this case.

Joseph Duemer
School of Liberal Arts, box 5750
Clarkson University
Potsdam NY 13699
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Through the loop
of the rusted padlock
a blade of green

   . . .

In the bed
of a rusted war truck
the farmer begins his rice

[John Brandi, from Stone Garland, 1999]
