

Hello Everyone:

We have reached 100 cities with over 120 readings.
Congratulations!  There is NO limit to the number of
readings and cities that can participate. So, please
spread the word.

I am working on setting up three "International
Readings for Peace" on international locations and we
have confirmed a reading in Antarctica. More
information on our website at

The other readings are:

(1) Antarctica--which will feature Paul Cullen, ANARE
Station Leader at the Casey Station.

(2) International waters-working with Texas A&M Univ.
Ocean Drilling Program

(3) International Space Station-- this component is
being negotiated with Office of External Relations at
NASA and the UN's Office for Outer Space Affairs
(OOSA).  Not confirmed.

If you publish a magazine, we would like to place an
exchange ad in your spring publication. In return for
placing the ad, your journal will have an ad in the
anthology and in the ebook of the international

Ram Devineni
Coordinator and Publisher
Rattapallax Press

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