

Pleased to report that it took Paul Muldoon only 15 minutes
to decide we could post "Holy Thursday" for the purposes of
our discussion and to e-mail me the requested permission.
"I'm glad to hear you're having fun with the poem," he

I forwarded his e-mail to JK, since the permitted post is
time-limited (a month), and he'll have to get the Mailbasers
to delete it from the archives after that. (And Peter Howard's
point about archival availability of discussion-list posts was
very well-taken and news to me--so a "fair cop" for you too,

I also forwarded Muldoon's e-mail to Matthew Francis, thinking
he'd like to do the posting honors, but this was several hours
ago. Since we don't know when Matthew may come back on-line, it
would be great if any listee with a print copy of "Holy Thursday"
would post it now (typing it in _very carefully_, please!), as I
still don't have it myself. In fact, when I stopped off at a local
bookstore on the way in and had them check for what I'd understood
to be Matthew's source (_New and Selected Poems_), I was told that
there's no such volume, only _Selected Poems, 1968-1986_, although
I also learned that there's a Collected Muldoon in the works for
March 2002 publication (you heard it here first!).


