

Thanks to everyone who's posted a biotext so far (great material!),
but could we please reserve this heading for those texts alone? Not
to discourage responses like Colin's here--on the contrary, it's
very interesting--but rather to ask that they be given their own
subject lines ("Hume," e.g., in this case). Thanks--Candice

At 09:28 PM 9/17/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Ah, Hume - I've stood in his grave in Edinburgh many a time; indeed, getting
>through there as often as I can my pleasures in this direction find
>themselves consummated often. Anyhow, Schopenhauer - rarely a man to get
>things 'a point' - caught Hume up short by perfectly describing his error as
>that of all Empiricists, as beginning with the object and finding the self
>all horribly dissolved, a set of things gathered up only by a feat of
>illusion; and, conversely, the error of  Rationalists as beginning with the
>self and finding the object a difficult, tenuous thing hidden beneath the
>curtains of language and category, a great train of filtration before it
>reached the high self of ego. Unbalancing act as far as I have seen.
>A good piece nonetheless
