


Marty manages the inside catflap no bother.
I haven't unlocked the outside one yet.
I cleaned and polished the window so carefully
Removing Ludovic's spit.
I lifted Marty up leaning his paws against the glass
To teach him how pressure opened it.
But he wasn't interested.
Now, a week later, he has mastered the art
And goes to and fro like it's nobody's business.

This Sunday when I came back from the pub
I introduced him to the great outdoors
By leaving the outside porch door open.
For two and a half hours I watched him
But he did no more than stare at outside.
He wasn't interested in exploring.
Then this Tuesday afternoon back from the pubs
I did the same.
And this time he ventured out.
But not very far
And keeping an eye over his shoulder
For my moral support.
In a month he will be an outdoor cat.
Then he will have to be doctored.
Kittens are marvellous.
