

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Sheenagh Pugh wrote...

>does anyone know a source of comprehensive advice on
>the legal position and etiquette of Net publishing?

I don't think there is likely to be one, because to the best of my
knowledge the situation is unclear. The questions you ask are all about
etiquette, rather than law, aren't they? There's nothing illegal about
simultaneous submission, even if it's often frowned on.

I suspect some editors would regard web publication as 'counting', some
wouldn't, and others wouldn't understand the question.

Personally, I would regard as 'published' a poem of mine that had
appeared on a web site (mine or otherwise), but I wouldn't regard it as
published if I'd just posted it to an email list like this one.

I wouldn't submit the same poem to two different web 'zines if they
wanted first publication.

There are some web 'zine editors who would definitely appreciate their
site being mentioned in a book. I don't think there's any legal
obligation to do this, though.

All this is nothing more than my opinion. I hope it's of some use,
though it probably isn't.

