

This is part 1 of a long poem-in-progress.



Male saints specialized in self-torture,
female saints in accommodating the loathsome.

Ordinary women without hope of heaven
Washed blood & shit out of the garments

after the crucifixion. And regular Joes
tamp down the dirt without thinking much

of anything. The holy man or woman is just
like the rest of us, but spared by obsession

the need to make a living. Free to drive nails
between the bones of the hand; free to cultivate

the ulcer at the back of the knee, so
exquisitely inflamed as to induce angelic visions.

In either case the meditation insists
on setting the mind apart to observe its brother

the body revolted, pained beyond recognition.
Cognition suspended until such time as

it is saved by death & transfiguration
or by boredom. After the world ends, how

to go on? What must we do to ourselves?
To avoid ordinary confusion, the saint, like the

pornographer, lights on one thing to the exclusion
of others. This is called purity.

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