Thanks, Gabe.  The book is $5, the address is Tinfish, 47-391 Hui Iwa Street #3,

Kaneohe, HI 96744.  Extra increments of $5 will net you a copy of the journal or any

of the other chapbooks, including new ones by Rob Wilson and Bill Luoma.

As for my name, no problem.  There's quite a story there, actually...


aloha, Susan 

  Gudding <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear Susan, I would like to get the Kathy B book. CAn you tell me its price
and the address to which I'd send the check?

Thanks. Gabe

ps, I 'm sorry that I named you (in my recent post to poetryetc) Susan
Webster, leaving out a third of your name. Sorry.

At 11:32 AM 7/15/00 -0700, you wrote:

>Yo, Randolph, is Kathy B really funny? Lois Ann Yamanaka certainly is,
>though it probably takes full immersion in Hawai`i's culture to realize
>it, and the humor is so bitter that the laugh is often on the one laughing
>(the way it so often happens in Beckett's prose).
>Susan (from whom one can get the Kathy B book...)
> "T. R. Healy and L. MacMahon" <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
>>Agree with the names so far.
>>You might also like Tina Darragh's _Dream Rim Instructions_ from Drogue
>>Press, P.O. Box 1157, Cooper Station, NY 10276
>>and Kathy Dee Kaleokealoha Kaloloahilani Banggo (Tinfish published her
>>4-evaz, Anna) and Carla Harryman, her satires on the Marquis de Sade and
>>J.J. Rousseau (of which she speaks in her Linebreak interview available from
>>the Electronic Poetry Centre.)
>>Randolph Healy
>Susan M. Schultz
>University of Hawai`i-Manoa
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Susan M. Schultz

University of Hawai`i-Manoa


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