


Ronny wrote.....

(I think its time again for a few voices to be raised against those who are
abusing this list with false identities.  It's one thing to pretend to be a
13th century ghost, another to elicit sympathy by pretending to be a
mentally ill young woman.  Several members now have egg on their face,
having risen to, or wasted time responding in good faith to rogue postings.
Surely there must be some way of checking that list members are genuine
before they sign up?  And surely these people ought to be removed from the
list without hesitation.  Last time I spoke about this, there were
suggestions I was double bluffing or being po-faced.  I just want discussion
to continue without clowns and bores taking the piss.

I reply.........(no, I do not think it is time at all..........)

Not yet back from my Paradise (not a real one, of course, just a place on
this earth which happens to be pleasant! One has to be careful not to say
things that might upset and irritate  the strong ongoing sense of realism
and praxis which is dominating the scene) and yet finally  able to access a
computer (simply by means of my poor pocket money given to wasted on an
Internet Cafe, today) here I am again , frankly shocked to find on the list
such unpleasant  comment involving my persona, (say one of the rare 45 women
of good faith ready to join this "100-male-members "list) while I am known
to be away, ABSENT,  and therefore  incapacitated to follow the thread.

Phrases as "abusing the list..." have been cast against the screen, which
notoriously is made of fragile glass.
No, I say, it is not at all  time to come up with such a Robespierre-like
tone of voice, sorry.

I personally do not know who Ronny is, and even if he wrote an extensive
personal profile for me to read, it could be still completely invented.
As  far as I am concerned he could be easly be a 13th century ghost and yet
be allowed to express himself in such an effemeral place as this cyberlist.

I am only acquainted to his persona as it appears on the screen in front of
my very eyes (say, words written in English, at times mixed to slang,
conveying some degree of thruth and some degree of narrative). Nor has he
tried to get in touch with me to make himself known and put in practise his
compassionate feeling (so spitefully elicited from his hearth by me) towards
this "mentally-ill" young woman that now I am supposed to be, possibly prone
to suicide.

Such a spokesman should be aware of the fact that the list is likely to be
composed also by those who do not get so easly offended or personally
involved, and.yes,  if a joke was being made, the joke itself might have
been received in different ways, given our postmodern and polymorphic
present literary world).

In the first place, I'd like to stress that I am not a "mentally ill" young
woman, as described above.
One is not allowed to draw these conclusions, especially in public.

Was I wrong then ,  following the thread "poetry and madmen",  when I
thought that mental instability was one of the features common to the
majority of list members? A good number referred some degree of stress and
psychic problems. I did not think for one moment you were trying to elicit
my sympathy, but merely to discuss the phenomenon in relation to poetry.

If you did want to elicit MY sympathy, then, yes, you gave me a hard time
and  broke my heart. And yet, in spite of all this compassion,  still do not
know any of you, do I!

The fast that this subject was being discussed was the only reason why ( see
"poetry and madmen" )I opened up my hearth too and related about my recent
gloomy moods (just a normal melancholy).
I was not expected to be classified as "mentally ill", nor was I trying to
rise compassion. I do not feel responsible for the
output of compassion, love, hatred, intolerance, anger, sympathy and
whatever your human hearts are able to conceive or not towards a written
text. See tears pured on the pages of David Copperfield or jane Eire.

I was merely posting brief messages that had no other aim than entertain
myself as in from of a television or  cinema screen.
Yes, I now  prefer to be and remain mere narrative and I am really surprised
that people who so consistely refused and doubted and negated and fooled  my
real identity are now asking me to be real.
I am sure a list of this nature is to discuss poetry matters in whatever
discursive style one chooses .

Anyhow, I find amazing the process whereby a perfect stranger can come up
and tell you what you can and cannot do, what you are and are not.

As for the "clown"like aspect of some of my posts: you should be at least
thankful that some humour was introduced in poetryect days of absolute gloom
and despair.

To Ronny: kings used to employ "buffoons", and the fool was mostly loved
when greatest and strongest was his parody on the King's role and figure.
The tradition of the destabilizing presence of the  jolly (from the Italian
"giullare", as you well know) was to serve the office of lightness and
In Bachtin's theory of "laugh" in folk tradition,  a King is suck only if he
is able to laugh at himself when reflected in the eye of someone fooling him
and his Status.

If one is not able to appreciate to be fooled than one should ask himself
whether he will ever be able to become a King.

(luckly still on holidays therefore still able to reply: "me ne fotto!")

>From: "Roddy Lumsden" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>To: "Poetryetc" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Oldthread Re (and re and re) visited 3 - identity
>Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 11:17:54 +0100
>I think its time again for a few voices to be raised against those who are
>abusing this list with false identities.  It's one thing to pretend to be a
>13th century ghost, another to elicit sympathy by pretending to be a
>mentally ill young woman.  Several members now have egg on their face,
>having risen to, or wasted time responding in good faith to rogue postings.
>  Surely there must be some way of checking that list members are genuine
>before they sign up?  And surely these people ought to be removed from the
>list without hesitation.  Last time I spoke about this, there were
>suggestions I was double bluffing or being po-faced.  I just want
>discussion to continue without clowns and bores taking the piss.

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