TINFISH is proud to announce the publication of Bill Luoma's elegiac

prose poetry sequence, DEAR DAD, designed and illustrated by

Gaye Chan, familiar to some of you as the designer of Tinfish's

cereal box issue and others. 

Yours for $5 from Tinfish (c'est moi, Susan Schultz) at 47-391 Hui Iwa

Street #3, Kaneohe, HI 96744 USA.  Further increments of five

will win you a recent copy of the journal, or chapbooks by Rob Wilson,

Nell Altizer, Kathy Banggo, John Kinsella and Susan Schultz. 

Dear Dad,

You can't remember but you were angry after the stroke.

I thought it was funny when you would yell at the staff

and crack.  Shit fuckers you would yell and crack me when I

was laughing holding you down securing the straps.  Your

fingernails were thick and long and you picked at the straps

and the skin around the straps.  I was proud that you were

so strong.


Douglas Clark--are my margins still in outer space?????

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