Ram--I think it might work best if the local groups invent their own programs,

rather than making rules for everyone, even good ones like featuring poets from other places.

The internationalism of the event will come through in the variety of locales--

the localism of the event should perhaps come through in differences

between readings. 

Just a thought.




  Ram Devineni <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear Jon:

That is a very good question. It is difficult to
manage or even direct a reading on a local level from
across the world. And I DO NOT want and nor does the
United Nations want to tell anyone how run their
reading. That is why this event is broad enough to
include many different approaches and readings. Try
to feature a poet or poets who can best represent your
city and country. The program will receive
international attention and it is important that
everyone is at their best because one bad incident can
ruin it for all of us and shed bad light on the host
city. I am relying heavily on the reading
coordinators from each city to create and develop
their own program based on the topic: Dialogue Between
Civilizations. I have faith in them and know they
will use their best judgment and discretion.

An idea which has been kicking around in my head and I
want to get the group's opinion and it will only work
if all of the coordinators agree to it:

The featured poet(s) and the open-mikes readers (if
there is an open-mike) should read at least one poem
from a poet that has influenced their work. The poet
they read from should be from a different country.

What do you think?


--- Jon Corelis <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
> In preparing for this event, what measures are
> the authorities taking to
> prevent poetry hooliganism?
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