

Your comment, Mark (that Cope is hateful), set me wondering about hateful
poems (or at least about poems that pose as hateful).  I've been compiling
a course packet of poems for a class I'm teaching in the fall (called
Hilarious Poetry) and I've run across some poems that border on both
hilarity and hate. My point, I suppose, is certain kinds of humor rely on
something akin to hate. Wimsatt said most "society wit" is, at heart,
derisive. Would you say the Baraka quote below is funny?

Let me complicate that: it's obvious why the below +wouldn't+ be
considered funny, but can you tell me something about the below that could
be called funny? The quote below is on the one hand horrifying, and on the
other very slightly comic.  If you don't want to comment, that's

fr "Black Art"

"We want poems
like fists beating niggers out of Jocks
or dagger poems in the slimy bellies
of the owner-jews. Black poems to
smear on girdlemamma mulatto bitches
whose brains are red jelly stuck
between 'lizabeth taylor's toes. Stinking
Whores! We want 'poems that kill.'
Assassin poems, Poems that shoot
guns. Poems that wrestle cops into alleys
and take their weapons leaving them dead
with tongues pulled out and sent to Ireland. Knockoff
poems for dope selling wops or slick halfwhite
politicians Airplane poems, rrrrrrrrrrrrr
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr . . . tuhtuhtuhtuhtuhtuhtuhtuhtuhtuh
. . . rrrrrrrrrrrrr . . . Setting fire and death to
whities ass. Look at the Liberal
Spokesman for the jews clutch his throat
& puke himself into eternity . . . rrrrrrr
There's a negroleader pinned to
a bar stool in Sardi's eyeballs melting
in hot flame Another negroleader
on the steps of the white house one
kneeling between the sheriff's thighs
negotiating cooly for his people.

Aggh . . . stumbles across the room . . .
Put it on him, poem. Strip him naked
to the world! Another bad poem cracking
steel knuckles in a jewlady's mouth
Poem scream poison gas on beasts in green berets
Clean out the world for virtue and love,
Let there be no love poems written
until love can exist freely and
cleanly. Let Black People understand
that they are the lovers and the sons
of lovers and warriors and sons
of warriors Are poems & poets &
all the loveliness here in the world."
