

Yes, I have a 'biog notes' story.

An American magazine some years ago (understatement) accepted a longish
poem of mine, then asked for a biog statement. My life is boring to me, so
it is always a difficult assignment. I started writing ...
Mainly have always lived in Perth.
Didn't like it so I fiddled with it.
Have mainly always lived in Perth.
Nah. Sounded snotty or worse. Tried again.
Have always mainly lived in Perth.
Sounded downright wrong. Prob'ly is. So had another go.
Have always lived mainly in Perth.
Colloquial but clumsy. Tried again:
Have always lived in mainly Perth.
Clumsier than clumsy!
Have always lived in Perth, mainly.
Ah, what the hell, let's tell 'em the truth:
Born Melbourne 1944.

So I sent it off:

Mainly have always lived in Perth.
Have mainly always lived in Perth.
Have always mainly lived in Perth.
Have always lived mainly in Perth.
Have always lived in mainly Perth.
Have always lived in Perth mainly.
Born Melbourne 1944.

They didn't publish it as biodata, but Fremantle Arts Centre Press
published it as a poem in their first ever publication, called Soundings:
Contemporary Western Australia Poetry. I called it Self-Portrait.


Andrew Burke                 Copywriting
[log in to unmask]     Creative Writing    Editing
