

I'm also doing a phd (poetry) & I'd be interested to hear more about your
thinking in terms of the space between objects, between people etc. It's
such an ephemeral yet precise kind of idea, & one I gave a great deal of
thought to awhile ago. I'll dig around & try & find what I was reading at
the time & post it when I do. One of the poets I'm reading/writing on is
Phyllis Webb (Canadian) & one of her books in particular, Naked Poems (a
'slim volume' of short/fragmentary lesbian poems), uses space (material &
metaphorical) to intense & absorbing effect. Hard to get the book though--I
had to borrow it in from Canada.

At 08:30 am 21/12/00 +1000, you wrote:
>i am a research phd candidate.
>i am studying the spaces in which poetry exist.
>much australian poetry is concerned with mapping landscapes, physical and
>since composing hypermedia poetry for cyberspace i have started to re-read
>published printed poetry and find that whilst most poetry maps a surface of
>sorts, there is printed poetry which places me in a space(i think it's
>inside my head), a space for logical thought or imagination. there is also
>poetry which describes a space 'between' objects, between people rather
>than mapping surfaces.
>if anyone can suggest theorists who have already identified 'surface' and
>'space' in poetry, i would be very grateful.
>"have fun - whatever you are celebrating"
>komninos's cyberpoetry site
>cyberpoet@slv site
>komninos zervos, tel. +61 7 55 948602
>lecturer in cyberstudies,
>school of arts,
>gold coast campus,
>griffith university,
>pmb 50, gold coast mail centre
>queensland, 9726