

   I don't have a strong opinion on fox hunting, but I must say that it
is fascinating to observe a baying pack running Douglas to the ground
and mauling him for expressing some support for it.

   Incidentally if someone were to call me in print "a psychoneurotic
who hasn't worked for twenty years ..." I would most certainly use it as
a cover blurb for my next book.

   "Use every man after his desert and who should scape whipping" is
from Hamlet.  Remind me if things get boring around here again to
explain to you all that Hamlet's indecision results from his unconscious
awareness that the real reason he hates his stepfather is that Claudius
is acting out Hamlet's own Oedipal passion for his mother.

   The Library of America has just published the first two volumes of
what is clearly intended to be the definitive anthology of twentieth
century American poetry for our time.  A review of it by me is supposed
to appear in the next Acumen.

   Robinson Jeffers was a greater poet than Yeats.


Does it matter whether you  hate your ... self?  At least
Love your eyes that can see, your mind that can
Hear the music, the thunder of the wings.  Love the wild swan.

                 -- Robinson Jeffers
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