

Well written Alison,

some small notes...

Simon Schama in his enjoyable Landscape and Memory opens with this Herman
Denkmal and Kiefer critique, but what i want to say follows the irony of
the nazi's taking Tacitus at his word (from Alison's) "the opinions of
those who hold that in
>the peoples of Germany there have been given to the world a race unmixed
>by intermarriage with other races, a peculiar people and pure, like no
>one but themselves"

when, and I cannot remember where I heard this, the german languages
contain the most non-indo-european words in their vocab which has lead some
to speculate that  "german" was/is a creole of indo-europeans and some
baltic group now disappeared, of course this hybridity would also mean they
would be like no one but themselves...

arh! the quest to be special! to be ancient! to be righteous and pure!

who can resist this determination?
