

Hi Brynjulf and All else,

I really appreciate your admonition for 'buyer beware'. It's advice that
has not diminished in value since it was first delivered. However, and I
think that you would readily agree with me, the 'seller', especially an
academic institution, has the responsibility of delivering a quality
product. I emphasise academic institutions in this manner precisely
because of a word that you use: 'certified'.

I greatly respect Norm and Dick with respect to the quintessentially
abstract nature of the study itself, and I do not want by my comments
for it to be construed that this should all be cut and dried and
packaged. These issues are far more complex than such a model or
checklist would allow for; however, I reflect on some of the discussions
that I have seen as seeking to conflate the marketplace with the academy
without regard for the potential consequences.

So, what merits one for an academic position? Is good practice and the
ability to communicate that good practice enough? Should it be?


