

I have a query regarding manual handling training for Medical staff
based in the hospital, as opposed to the community.
As the Occ Health advisor to the Health Board's Manual Handling
Committee I have been closely involved in the development of the policy
on Manual Handling.
Our colleagues in the Medical profession have approached us indicating
that they are unsure as to their need for manual handling training. We
have advised that they carry out risk assessments and then come with
their findings so that we can advise on training requirements.
To date we have failed to locate a Health Authority who has offered
Manual Handling training to it's Medical Staff!
We, as a committee have concerns regarding this as it's felt that they
are involved in manoeuvring patients to varying degrees, and can be just
as much at risk from injury.

If you have any knowledge of Medical staff being included in Manual
Handling training, to whatever level, please let me know.

Liz Hunt
