

he latest issue of Safety At Work is available. We have accepted suggestions
of our subscribers and have provided a more global look at OHS issues.

In this issue we have

	a short discussion on the "hold harmless" clause (some of which occurred in
this mailing list),
	an article on the lack of attention that safety professionals give to the
term "safety culture" with comments 			from an organisational psychologist
	a new safety induction CDRom that is able to be highly customised and is
having some success in 			Australia
	a short article on a record payout for asbestosis but in a case that has
set a new standard in law suits in 			Australia.

Should you want to subscribe to this free fortnightly newsletter PLEASE
contact me OFF LIST at [log in to unmask]

Kevin Jones
Workplace Safety Services Pty Ltd
Phone: 613 9478 9484
Fax: 613 9442 3607
Mob: 0428 176 968
